Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Day of School

I'm running late, so this will be a very short post.

It's hot: around 95 this afternoon.

Our son came home from school with good news. He thinks his new teacher is great.

On the other hand, he was agonizing over his arithmetic homework tonight.

Our oldest daughter is still between jobs, but hopeful about at least one prospect.

And I have got to get some sleep.



mrsnesbitt said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! He liked his teacher!

It must have been a mrs nesbitt!

My nephew was at college with a former pupil of mine....former pupil says to nephew..
"Cor so you are related to mrsnesbitt?"

Nephew says..
"so what was she like as a teacher?"

Reply.." Mrs nesbitt was a legend!"

I weep at the pride my nephew expressed!

Brian H. Gill said...

Good nephew!

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