Spiral Light Candle factory, south section: production floor and offices.
March-April, 2012.
The Saturday after Thanksgiving is Small Business Saturday®, and I think locally-owned businesses are a good idea, so: if you're in Mayville or Hillsboro, North Dakota, I'd like you to take a look at Spiral Light Candles at Dale's Food Pride or the Mayville Cenex.
Since quite a few folks don't live in North Dakota's Traill County, Spiral Light Candle's store locator helps you find retailers closer to home. We're in California, New York, and quite a few states between. There's our online store, too.
"We?" "Our?"
Spiral Light Candle is a family business. I own part of it, and do some technical work as needed. Helping a company get started has been a fascinating experience for me. Happily, I haven't had to do much of the work. :)Background:
- On Spiral Light Candle's website
- My take
- "Another Month, Another Unexpected Drive"
(September 16, 2012) - "Snapshots from Texas; or, Candles at a Trade Show"
(June 24, 2012) - "Good Candles and Good Neighbors in North Dakota"
Includes excerpts from the news
Starting a Small Business Without Losing My Mind
(June 16, 2012) - "A Quick Trip, a Factory, Candles: and Home at Last!"
(May 25, 2012) - "Candles, a Spreadsheet, and a Really Long Week"
(December 5, 2011)
- "Another Month, Another Unexpected Drive"

Prototype of Spiral Light Candle's counter-top display. June 2012.