Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday Hit With Unusual Severity This Week

I'm wrapping up the day - and may leave a task or two undone, in the interests of getting a reasonable night's sleep.

I was up ridiculously late last night, again, but got that Knights of Columbus council bulletin to the printer's this morning. They got it printed & delivered this afternoon. (Main Street Printers, downtown Sauk Centre - I've worked with them for over 20 years on one project or another - they're a good bunch for getting the job done.)

My wife and #3 daughter put labels on the bulletins, so I'll be able to do the mailing paperwork tomorrow.

It's been raining, off and on, all day - and the streets are still wet. Again, I don't mind. It does set a sort of mood for the day, though.

Giol, #1 daughter's rabbit, had his 'people' time in the kitchen again this evening. Aside from being around us and a little light socializing - talking to him, rubbing his head, that sort of thing - I fed him a couple apple cores and a few broccoli heads.

That rabbit gets along pretty well, I'd say. He's gotten quite good at hopping on his find feet - his balance on two feet has improved enormously since he arrived. Since we give him his treats by holding them where he needs to 'stand up' to reach them, he's had a pretty good incentive to learn.

My son and I read Garfield and sang this evening, as usual.

I love this family.

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