Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Of a Rabbit, a Song, and Proofing

Another day, ending with #1 daughter's rabbit, Giol, getting an apple core for a treat: and my son and I first reading Garfield and then singing that song I've sung with each of the kids as they grew up.

My wife and #3 daughter have finished putting a correction slip in each of over 300 bulletins for a Knights of Columbus mailing. I discovered a glaring error - as soon as the bulletins came back from the printer. For 'upcoming events,' I'd left last year's in place, instead of updating them. Embarrassing, very. Particularly since I'd proofed the bulletin.

Next time, maybe I'll be smart and have my wife proof it. It's an old principle: the person who composes something shouldn't be the one who proofs it. People - myself included, obviously - tend to 'know' what's supposed to be there, and perceive that, instead of what actually comes in through their eyes.

Anyway, I've gotten the day's tasks done - and now it's time to turn in.

Good night, and may God bless.

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