I drove to Alexandria with my eldest daughter this afternoon, on a quest for a new laptop. For her. With her money. I think she's made a reasonable choice, but time will tell. She's been going through digital withdrawal symptoms, in the absence of a working computer devoted to her projects.
At the other end of the offspring age spectrum, my son is now the proud possessor of a more-than-slightly-buggy laptop, formerly the property of my eldest. He'll be much happier when it comes back from a shop, with some (to him) vital software re-installed.
This has been an interesting couple of weeks for me, dealing with the two other computer enthusiasts in the family: and trying to be reasonable as they sought refuge at my computer.
Sounds a lot like our house, and I know when the boys find solace in my computer, as it barely moves when it's returned to my care, without a million and one scans. Enthusiast, just keep holding on to that one, that's what I remind myself constantly here...sounds much better, tolerable, although I know I'm drowning in denial when I say it. Your kids must be so excited. How good of you.
My kids *are* excited: very. My set are relatively careful. We've only had a few crises recently.
And thanks for the good words.
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